Ariadne - The Ariadnean Thread
Ariadne was a bronze aged Cretan/Minoan earth goddess associated with fertility and the harvest. As ancient agricultural cultures were so reliant upon these attributes, Ariadne would have been one of the most important deities of Minoan aged Crete. But wait? Wasn’t she the Cretan princess who gave Theseus the ability to navigate the labyrinth on his quest to kill the Minotaur? Yes, this Ariadne is one and the same. But before I dive in to the decline of Ariadne from deity to love struck princess, the mythological symbolism of labyrinths, and finally the psychological significance of the myth, I shall give you a much shortened, beers around the campfire style re-telling of Ariadne’s story.
If you would like to read more, please visit The Ariadnean Thread on my interpretations page.
Ariadne was sculpted unplugged (no power tools) from huon pine.